1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the borahae.love moderators.

  1. NO illegal content based on EU or US law. We will report any illegal activity involving minors to the NCMEC and/or CEPOL, and everything else to authorities. Just don't do it!
  2. NO sexually explicit or violent media. We can't control the fediverse, but there is no need for anything like that here.
  3. NO posting of private, or should be private, information. Bans will be swift if posting information that could potentially be harmful. For example, leaking flight, hotel, or non-public whereabouts of anybody.
  4. NO harassment, dogpiling or doxxing
  5. NO hate speech allowed, keep it civil
  6. NO bots - unless cleared by @clive@borahae.love
  7. NO impersonating others, including using the same "bird site" handle as someone active in the BTS community. If you find your handle is taken, please send an email to admin@borahae.love